EHM was impactful enough for me to buy copies and share widely. I will do the same with your excellent review.

In regards to the question you ask at the end on what has gone wrong in the West? There is a balance of rights / responsibilities for individuals and societies. We in the West, as individuals and

society have shifted the focus too heavily to rights and avoiding responsibilities. Many examples. Food / diet (Type 2 diabetes levels) is an easy one. Society and individuals focus on the easy (rights) and not what is best (responsibilities). Similar to hard / easy paradigm - easy now; hard later. Hard now; easy later.

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Thanks for the comment, I'm glad you liked the review. As for the book, it sounds like you're in the same camp as me, in that EHM is a modern masterpiece.

You make a very good point about rights/responsibilities. I've heard that idea articulated before, perhaps from Jordan Peterson. As a society we do seem to have become obsessed with the easy solution and blaming someone else when things go wrong. I can see this changing, but things will probably have to get quite bad first.

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