I have faith. As more and more people adopt the viewpoint expressed here, we will see that the recent technological advances will be adapted to as the earlier ones were. I live in a part of the Last Free State in America, Florida, where 90% of people haven't heard of Twitter and of the 10% who have, maybe 25% of them use it. It's crucial to remember that the online echo chamber is NOT America.

As a test, last week I asked 20 of my neighbors if they knew who "Don Lemon" was. Two said they'd heard the name, but when pressed, both said "Baseball player? Football?"

People adapt, albeit often more slowly than some of us would prefer. Even my Manhattan Democrat friends have come to admit begrudgingly that it's maybe kinda possible that the Lamestream Media spouts nothing but lies on occasion. It's a step.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by The Unhedged Capitalist

Brilliant !

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by The Unhedged Capitalist

Nice piece. Our evolving information landscape now precludes propagation of "uniting and cohesive" but fundamentally false narratives. The budding paradigm, implicitly endorsed by this platform and your writing in it, is that narratives must be authentic, honest and robust enough to survive the scrutiny of our best sensemakers in the hive mind. 70-80% may still gravitate to a narrative that is essentially unexamined and uncritically accepted, but truth is like gravity- its a bitch when you walk off the cliff in the dark.

If 20-30% worldwide can coalesce around authentic truth (which I would argue is occurring in small one to one connections, and larger internet facilitated connections, both of which you are plugged in to) then truth searching and sensemaking will displace prior "narrative generators" so long as ongoing and unfettered access to legit platforms continues. This "righting moment" (sailing analogy to the force that tends to keep a sailboat upright) can make all the difference keeping the ship of civilized humanity afloat.

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This post gives me hope. Thank you!

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Do you think this polarization is an American thing? Is it just a super power thing?

Are folks this polarized in Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the test of inner Europe?

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