Read most of “Liar’s Poker”… the problem for me with Michael Lewis’s books is that they peter out after a gripping start… maybe because I know how most of them end.

Hopefully this will be better even though I hate British humor 🤔

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It kicks Liar's Poker in the family jewels. The financial/trading aspect peters out towards the end but by that time we're so invested in Gary that the story doesn't feel dull.

Haha I guess you'll just have to overcome your distaste for the British wit 🫡

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Apr 14Liked by The Unhedged Capitalist

Makes me think going for the green isn't all it's cracked up to be.

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Yeahhhh... I mean, yeah. For sure. I think Gary could have at least tried spending some of his money, but oh well.

The way I see money is that you should have enough go fund your passions, and then after that more probably isn't going go make you much happier.

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Yep, spending is always good. Gary's passion is, apparently, telling people about inequality and how it messes with them, and trying to stir people up and take back what's theirs before the whole thing goes tits up.


It's where I first heard of him, actually.

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Inequality is definitely a big theme in the book. So you've watched some of his videos, how are they?

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I like them. Ten to twenty minutes, don't overstay their welcome.

Gary's very down to earth. Strong focus on asset price inflation causing inequality by making it impossible for ordinary people to get ahead. Advocates wealth taxes and other redistributive measures as the only way to get the UK back on track.

Here's one where he talks about why he thinks economists suck at predicting.


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Excellent! Thank you. Gary was very harsh on economists in the book.

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out tomorrow.

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Please do a review on Devil Take the Hindmost by Edward Chancellor

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Well, no promises, but I will put it on the list! Thanks for the suggestion. I've been on the brink of reading The Price of Time for a while at any rate.

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The Price of Time is great, I've finished listening the audio book, Edward's story telling and highly enjoyable.

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Awesome, I'm glad to hear it's good! I'm definitely going to get to it one of these days.

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