Jan 10, 2023Liked by The Unhedged Capitalist

“it seems like pulling the bottom rungs out of the competence ladder could create an unusually unskilled workforce twenty years in the future.”


Automation has already taken away so many good jobs; try getting a job as a radio DJ.

And that’s just one example. It’s taken away a wonderful, enjoyable way for music nerds to make a living.

And it’s destroyed everything good about listening to the radio. Algorithms have sanitized playlists to utter inanity. And there used to be comfort in knowing that there was a real person sitting in a real booth somewhere across town, and if you were feeling lonely, especially in the middle of the night, you could turn on the radio and here a person’s voice, and be reassured that reality exists and you’re not alone.

AI has existed for years now, in my opinion, and it’s already taken away so much that’s good, without adequately compensating us for what we’ve lost.

We don’t have to let it be this way, but most people act like it’s inevitable.

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I was wondering why the radio sounds so inane now. I guess I hadn't realized computers have stolen that job too. Your description reminds me of a story I heard about Larry King in his early days as an all night disc jockey. If Larry King was born today, maybe he never would have been able to get into the industry.

I think the problem with the hoping it won't be "inevitable" is that AI plays well in the way our system is set up now. It's all about profit maximization, steady returns on investment, etc. And under that model it makes sense to fire everyone and replace them with a computer if it's $3 cheaper.

Perhaps in the coming year we shall have a public debate about all of this and rethink how we manage our society. Until then, all hail our AI overlords.

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by The Unhedged Capitalist

Don't worry, the economic consecuences of A.I. will eventually reach the retired. Kisses.

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Haha it's going to reach everyone, eventually... We can all swap stories while we burn old newspaper in an oil barrel to stay warm. I'm going to publish an article about UBI soon, which I think is an increasingly likely outcome.

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