Feb 20, 2023Liked by The Unhedged Capitalist

I hope you get more readers. I really, really enjoy your ‘Stack.

A thought: Maybe you could leave some comments on more popular Substacks and include a link to a relevant article of yours? I see other Substackers do this and it has led me to subscribe to a couple more publications.

Feel free to ignore this advice if not welcome!

Also: I realize I ought to put my money where my mouth is, and subscribe. I can only afford 3-5 subscriptions; I’m working on a principle of rolling some out, and others in; I do plan to pay for a subscription to your Substack as soon as I can.

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Thanks for the kind words Xtal, that means a lot to me to get a nice comment like that. And no worries about going paid, I don't have a paid subscription tier set up.

Good suggestion about the commenting, I'm already on it. In fact that's how I picked up some of my very first subscribers.

I will get more readers. The growth has been very encouraging so far and to quote the Bitcoiners, WAGMI: We're all going to make it.


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