Sitemap - 2022 - The Unhedged Capitalist

Every investment mistake I made in 2022

Why 2022 kicked ass & top media picks

December week 4 - Best podcasts & articles

The Nomad's escape: life in South East Asia

Not just the Fed: why we've had 0% rates for so long

December week 3 - Best podcasts & articles

How Wall Street tricks us into giving it money

Book review: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

No, Bitcoin doesn't solve this...

December week 2 - Best podcasts & articles

Here's why Germany secretly loves bailing out Greece...

Why the Fed doesn't control long-term interest rates

Book review: Nothing is True and Everything is Possible

The obscure way Bitcoin could get used in the financial system

December week 1 - Best podcasts & articles

Book review: The Prize - The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power

Why Alex Gurevich thinks we're headed for a deflationary depression

November week 4 - Best podcasts & articles

Stock analysis: PureCycle Technologies - A revolution in plastic recycling

How the Eurodollar system works (and why it matters)

Book review: Business Brilliant

November week 3 - Best podcasts & articles

Why Danielle DiMartino Booth thinks jobless claims might be artificially low

Why we need new words to describe inflation

This is unforgivable: Travis Kling should leave finance forever

November week 2 - Best podcasts & articles

Sure as the law of gravity, this is why the Fed has to pivot

Why the Bob Loukas 4 year crypto cycle is predicting a low

FTX the FTT token and a crypto Lehman moment

Why Mike Green thinks Bitcoin is bad for Millennials

November Week 1 - Best podcasts & articles

Why this bear market still has a ways to go

The world's most powerful philosophy

October Week 4 - Best podcasts & articles

Is QE money printing?

Book review: The Expectation Effect

October Week 3 - Best podcasts & articles

How 2008 broke the Eurodollar banking system & crushed growth

Buffet's number one rule for investing

Next massive crash, I think the Fed will buy...

10 reasons why high interest rates blow up the world

October Week 2 - Best podcasts & articles

Working with a wealthy New Yorker changed my life

If you don't know the sucker at the table, it's you

Book review: Production Versus Plunder

October Week 1 - Best podcasts & articles

The next skill I absolutely have to learn

When is the Fed going to pivot?

Best of September 2022: podcasts, books and articles

Is the bottom in?

Can passive investing continue to guarantee 8% returns?

Book review: I Will Teach you to Be Rich

5 reasons an individual investor can outperform the institutions

What a bear market feels like, and how it develops

Why the US Government might nationalize Ethereum

Book review: The Rise and Fall of American Growth

The problem with buying gold as a LT inflation hedge

Three buying strategies for the bear market

The ideal investing time frame: part two

If the markets nuke down, this is what I'm buying

This is the worst approach to investing

3 Germans tell me about the energy crisis

Twitter thinks silver is about to go parabolic

The bond buying will continue until moral improves

Has winter arrived for the oil market?

Nibbling on Newmont

Can I find the perfect investing time frame?

Why the max pain trade is always down

5 reason why the crypto markets could crash after the Ethereum merge

The difference between contango and backwardation

5 observations on Russian culture from someone who lived there

The Unhedged Capitalist's Video Articles

The worst two trades I've made this year

Screw history, embrace the brave new world

My number one goal in investing is...

My crypto strategy for the next 60 days

A time to do nothing

Buying crypto in September: pain or gain?

Back in the bond market: buying TLT at $112

I've taken a position in oil: will this be rags or riches?

Reading list for 2024

My first bond trade: a success!

The Treasury is going to buy... Treasuries?

Shorting the S&P 500 at 4,262

From broke in Asia to successful investor?